All the same- and not. (And all the same).

Conflict arises from different perceptions of what is real. It is not always as simple
as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ although we might like to think it is, and to make it so. Because
it’s easier for us- requires less capacity- than opening ourselves to a wider
understanding that recognises that our own way is not necessarily the way; the only
, or the right way. Even if all our life experience up to this point tells us that it is.
It may be for us… but not necessarily for other people. We know that…

…read more…


The shared love of ‘0.’

0 is ‘The Field.’ The Open Space. The Pure Consciousness.
Gives birth to numbers- let’s say 1-10.
This represents a scale. A spectrum. A world of possibility is born…

…read more…


A facile understanding
doesn’t see the role that evil
plays in the world.
“If God existed,
there would be no evil.”
A depth understanding does.
For it is through the polarities
of “Good” and “evil” that we have
the spectrum of the possibility
of our experience…


Is the human experience a robotic one?

Digital identity
cannot accommodate
your true, loving,
spiritual reality.

(Although it can play a role
in a system that denies that
and denies you are anything more
than what can be digitised)…

Ultimate Truth that saves you

You’re working it all out for your self now.
It’s how it has to be- and is.

Control system tells you;
“God does not exist!”
Because God is your salvation.
[But wait! What is ‘God’…
and what is ‘salvation’?!]
Naturally (or is it artificially?!),
a system of enslavement
that quite clearly tells you lies
would like to keep you from
this Ultimate Truth
that saves you.
(And all the other
littler truths
that may contribute
to your salvation as well)…

…read more…


We are each- and all- one of the parts of the Whole.
Clearing our perception back to Love.

Our reality is a version of The Reality. All realities are a version of this- as though an
interpretation of it. Another way of saying this might be that our reality is a copy of
itself. Its greater self. It’s as though there were a Primary Reality that all other realities
are derived from. A blueprint of Consciousness that all individual consciousnesses are
expressions of, and exist in… stand out from for a time… for a life-time perhaps (maybe
many)… and then are re-absorbed. By the way, ‘to exist’ means ‘to stand forth.’

You are a version of Love- that, to a greater or lesser extent- has left Love behind.
Distanced itself in order that it may define itself as ‘something else’- as anything else
other than the Truth of Love. For the purposes of a particular experience. So that, after
all, that Love may know Itself. Perhaps, you are a version of Love that has grown closer
to it. That has become more aware of its Ultimate Nature, beyond the plays and cycles
of temporary existence. Beyond the sub-versions of nature- the creative copies…

…read more…


Knowledge of your self to know the world by.

You do know – don’t you,
that your standards
don’t have to be those of the censor?

That your morality
doesn’t have to be that
of the prison guard?

That you don’t have to hold
the same principles
as the state that imposes itself

upon your life
and seeks to make you
… its extension?

You do know – don’t you,
that your humanity
is more than that…

…read more…


We lose ourselves in unexamined lives.

You can totally understand it.

People just want to
‘get on with their lives.’

It’s perfectly natural.
And yes, we should.

But the concern is
that as we do so,
we are doing nothing to alter
humanity’s negative trajectory.

That is, if we are not examining it-
in the world, and in ourselves…

…read more…


A word from James – the director – about the film:

“For Planet Lockdown we spoke to some of the brightest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters, a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. And once we do, it gets easier every time.”


The cognitive dissonance often goes a little like this:

“I can see my smartphone is leading to my enslavement.

But I like my smartphone and can’t do without it. I’ve come to rely on it and conduct so many aspects of my life on it- it would be too difficult to give up.

Therefore, it’s just a ‘conspiracy theory’ that my smartphone is leading to my own enslavement, and so I can take comfort in not thinking about it, not having to make any changes, and feel secure because ‘everyone else is doing it.'”


Consciousness is not AI.
Real intelligence is not artificial.

Is this what’s happening?
Are we all being turned into
robotic AI versions
of ourselves?

(Break it down:
real life activities- translated into online space-
and we become an electronic data-string complex
of all our online accounts, personas and identities…)

Life being made (out of ‘life stuff‘)
into an AI composite- with- in the end-
robotic arms and legs and instruments
to ‘live’ itself… as the need for biology fades?

…read more…


What depraved state
has society reached
when our understanding of the world
is the adult equivalent
of playground ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’?

What a wonderfully
certain moral high ground
we can take when we adopt the position
of the good guys and
cast ‘the others’ in shadows.

When the most very basic
of nuanced understandings
is lost, cannot be countenanced…
and the desire, or will, to look deeper-
all but obliterated by repeated partiality?


The collective keeps you on track.
Until it doesn’t- because it goes off track.
Or out of whack- with sanity- and with reality.

‘For your safety’ was manipulative enough. You know, ‘CCTV cameras are in
operation for your safety and security.’ When actually, we know full well that they are
there for surveillance purposes. But now the object of protection has changed. Now
it’s ‘for everyone’s safety.’ Not just yours. So don’t be selfish.

At least when it was ‘for your own safety,’ you could say, ‘well actually, it doesn’t
make me feel safe.’ For example, you might say, ‘police with guns on the streets don’t
make me feel safe.’ But when it’s ‘for everybody’s safety,’ you as an individual have
no purchase on the notion. You’re removed from the equation. Because it’s not for
you now. Its for everyone else. Which must be ‘better’- because it covers more people.

Except ‘everyone else’ is individuals too- individual people. Comprises individual
people. And it’s not for them either…

…[click below to read more]…


What could be wrong with collectivism? Surely it’s good to care about one’s fellow human
beings- to have a concern for other people, and not just oneself. And surely it’s good to care for the wider environment we all share- the plight of the planet and not just our own selfish lives within the bounds of our own little fences. Of course! Of course, of course, of course!

But that’s the thing. Because actually, we can have a social conscience, without having to adopt a wholly collectivist ideological position. In reality, we can have a social conscience, and yet still remain individuals. See and respect individuals in our interactions. But the collectivist ideology would say otherwise. It would say that the needs of the collective must take precedence over the needs of the individual. And individual rights must be renounced ‘for the greater good.’

…[click below to read more]…

‘Ambition set for 75% of adults in England to be using the NHS App by March 2024…’

These are direct quotes from the Press Release entitled ‘Health Secretary sets out ambitious tech agenda’ – which can be found here. This is not an old article- it is recent. Published 24 February 2022:

‘The Health and Social Care Secretary spoke at the HSJ Digital Transformation Summit on Thursday 24 February.’

‘Ambition set for 75% of adults in England to be using the NHS App by March 2024…’

‘…more personalised, easier to access, digitally delivered health and care…’

‘…plans for a more inclusive digital health service which better harnesses the power of innovation to drive a new era of recovery and reform…’

‘This move puts digital transformation at the heart of health and care reforms and will be instrumental in embedding technologies and processes…’

‘Embracing personalised technologies, Sajid Javid will outline his ambition for 75% of the adults in England to use the NHS App by March 2024. He said:

“To get there, we need to show people the app is for life, not just for COVID, and that it will be a future front door for interacting with the NHS.

The NHS is already working on new features, including how we can show estimated waiting times and the results of blood tests within the app.

The NHS app has shown how people are receptive to having healthcare literally in their hands…”‘

CYBER POLYGON – no more Internet?

The context:

‘Cyber Polygon’:


Might we be wrong- in the rightness we are convinced of?
And if not- if that is not a possibility for us-

then what the hell is wrong with us?!

Is it about right and wrong, or isn’t it? This Life we are trying to make sense of. Are these
categories spot on- or are they overly simplistic? Often what’s ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is very
clear. Although sometimes it’s not about ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ as a universal standard, but the
unfolding course of best choices through a complex and nuanced set of situations…

On bombing for freedom…

Sad a cynical manipulations of ‘the common good.’

Unquestioning adherence to groupthink notions of ‘the collective’ and its supposed
interests, can permit atrocities to one group, another group, and the wider society as a

Is the ‘common good’ genuinely commonly good for all individuals- or might it be
exclusively good for an ‘elite’ few architects of the propaganda, the timeline- and an
abominable excuse to take away everyone else’s basic individual rights, liberties and

What is Non-Duality?

More writing… of what cannot be written (enough).

is like the space
that everything
exists in.

That which allows
everything else
to be.

Kind of like
the unwritten
blank white space

that everything else exists in-
and can find its
background context against…