The collective keeps you on track.
Until it doesn’t- because it goes off track.
Or out of whack- with sanity- and with reality.

‘For your safety’ was manipulative enough. You know, ‘CCTV cameras are in
operation for your safety and security.’ When actually, we know full well that they are
there for surveillance purposes. But now the object of protection has changed. Now
it’s ‘for everyone’s safety.’ Not just yours. So don’t be selfish.

At least when it was ‘for your own safety,’ you could say, ‘well actually, it doesn’t
make me feel safe.’ For example, you might say, ‘police with guns on the streets don’t
make me feel safe.’ But when it’s ‘for everybody’s safety,’ you as an individual have
no purchase on the notion. You’re removed from the equation. Because it’s not for
you now. Its for everyone else. Which must be ‘better’- because it covers more people.

Except ‘everyone else’ is individuals too- individual people. Comprises individual
people. And it’s not for them either…

…[click below to read more]…