20/20 Vision

(Originally written 05/11/19. Some videos and links have since been updated).





Watch the videos. All that is said here is in response to- and in the context of- these videos. Which are themselves to be seen in the context of the broader trend(s) they identify and comment on.

David Icke – Artificial Intelligence and the Trans-humanist Agenda.

Esoteric Alchemical Technology/Transhuman Agenda/Autism Epidemic with Wayne Mcroy Jr.


It Will Be Done By 2030


PLUGGED IN : The True Toxicity of Social Media Revealed (Mental Health Documentary)

Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: The Transhumanism Agenda Just Went Mainstream

Watch Elon Musk’s Neuralink presentation

Brain-to-Brain Interface: The Next Gen Social Network

Do People Realize They Are Creating Their Own Overlords?

China’s TERRIFYING Social Credit System

What’s Your Social Credit Score?

Artificial Intelligence: it will kill us | Jay Tuck | TEDxHamburgSalon

Resonance: Beings of Frequency (FULL DOCUMENTARY)


Biometrics & NATO 433MHz RFID in Schools – Pippa King, August 2013


5G – Next Gen Health Dangers (Documentary)


Max Igan – 5g Truth Frequency

Why You Can’t Stop Clicking

The Corbett Report – Episode 358 – The 5G Dragnet


The Modern Surveillance State (Documentary)

Derrick Broze – The 5G Trojan Horse [Documentary]


Doctors call for delaying deployment of 5G due to health risks | NTD

5G “Mobile” Communications (Physicians for Safe Technology)

Frightening Frequencies: The Dangers of 5G

5G – A Toxic Assault on the Planetary Web of Life


We are told that by 2030 human beings will merge with AI.

The 2030 change is going to be (attempted to be) brought in by the back door 2020.

At least the ‘no way out’ bit. Like we see the avalanche but can’t seem to stop it.

As it continues to play out throughout the decade, and beyond…

The matrix ensues. The restructuring of the world and humanity is upon us. Life, redefined.

In world-reality, we are being constricted and remoulded, by a force of transformative control.

In politics, government, business/economy, social life, and primarily… technology. The culmination of the movement. Many people have not realised it’s been going on. And as it reaches its culmination, it’s all going to become a lot more clear and visible- the whole mad show of it.

A far-reaching momentum we have not been adequately aware of… towards an ends that is not befitting of our Nature.

The dream of humanity is being ‘upgraded.’ After a long time in the making (quietly, largely undetected…)… The control system is ready for itself.

And pretty soon- if not already- the false techno-utopian benevolence will be revealed as the dystopian malevolence that it is.

As the strands of control are consolidated and brought together.

And we will wonder how (and why) on Earth we let all this happen.

And it’s mostly because we believe too much what we are told and are exposed to… and have lost the capacity to see from the inside out. From the innate capacity of Soul, rather than the borrowed information of the world we are fed, like cattle in the human farm.

A mind for everyone- one mind- all the same. Symbolic, representational- none of the (wider) (human) consciousness reality that those symbols and representations derive from, exist in, and point towards. The culmination of a symbolic culture detached from meaning, detached from the Perennial Ground of Being- the Vast Sky of Consciousness.

Only the matrix reality. Akin to just the ego reality (which in many ways is the representational, symbolic aspect of self). The ego reality- or identity- made electronic. And thus decontextualised from the wider Mystery of Life. The bits that ‘science’ hasn’t nailed and boxed up.

The decontextualisation is a re-contextualisation as well. Life- (at least its separate expression, which has somehow, for many of us, come to be life in its entirety- the ego projecting itself onto everything and everywhere- rather than dissolving itself into everything and everywhere, as per the true spiritual path…) recontextualised in this ‘brave new world’ ‘new world order’ of machine intelligence and human submission to bonkers narratives- and narrative- made collectively real. And digitised.

And a few humans who naively, arrogantly and unjustly think they can stay on top.

This is the demon-dawn we are fast approaching- the time of the Antichrist.

Staying lit in Love is the only solution. That involves a closeness- a holding fast- to Love’s principles, which are the principles of Life. The principles of Consciousness. Which help us keep out of and away from (whenever and wherever we can…)… the late capitalist, coming fascist-communist, AI group-think hive.

The hive is here. And guess what? You are part of it. Your data collected, your mind narrowed to the script. Just got to plug you in now. Reboot you into the new operating system. An individual and collective ‘restart’. To your permanent association of Your Divine Soul Self (Who You Are) with all your accounts and statuses and social media platforms and passwords and security (who you are not- but have come to think of as who you are… making the transition oh so smooth…). And the mainframe google mind. The repository of ‘all knowledge’- all that is ‘real’- but of course in a strictly stripped-down and narrow way- because all that is real is, of course, far more than what can be fed into a computer. But a system of computers- and computer-like minds reduced to the tools that they use- will deny this.

Smartphones, devices, various accounts- we are locked in more than we think.

And the electronic grid/prison is far more advanced than we think. Your cell is awaiting you. ‘5G’ is the capability for the real-time control grid- monitoring every person and moving object and artificially connected thing- and all their relationships- at all times.

The openness of the internet (we’ve all been lured onto and taught to celebrate) is closing. The biggest data gathering exercise in the known history of humanity is reaching that point. It has served its purpose. And you can continue to have it all- all that you have become comfortably accustomed to… and more- if you lock yourself into it permanently. If you give yourself away. If you sign yourself over. Or none of it (or access only to the bare minimum functionality, perhaps…) if you don’t.

This is the system being brought in- sooner or later- to house humanity. An enclosed electronic grid. In which your humanity is not important and must take a back seat, if it has a seat at all.

Only a humanity vastly unaware of its capacity and nature could ever accept it. But we are accepting it. Day by day. With our use of ‘our’ technology, and our participation in the networks and structures we thus are helping to build to house us! Do we not see our tools are rapidly becoming our master?! Either we do not see, or we are largely choosing not to look. Or we are looking and seeing, but not knowing what to do with it. The awareness of this trajectory in motion.

We see the structures and strictures, but what to do becomes more nebulous. Where is the off-switch any more? (And thank God it’s not on us).

Just remember, you are not locked into anything but the Oneness of God… and that is more of a Blessed nurturing containment in Boundlessness, than a shut down restriction. You are locked into nothing but the Oneness of Love and your chosen direction in that, which you can change. There is always, in Love the Unchanging- the possibility to choose your chosen way- to carve your path. In the vastness of the possibility and potentiality of Love. But the imitation of the electronic system is not so vast, and far more stifling. Because it is not designed for the liberation of the Soul, but the entrapment (disguised as liberation) for the body-identified mind. The ego mind. Which is itself a prison. The electronic grid is the prison of prisons- boxy, with no free flow of movement beyond false designated and limited channels. Consciousness is far vaster. No construct can contain it. That doesn’t mean that we should do away with the subtleties of consciousness- as the electronic grid would invite us to do (or necessitate we do). It means that we should stay with the vastness of the reality beyond only the concept and the construct based on limited concepts.

Just because we don’t understand everything, doesn’t mean we should limit life to only our understandings of it, and live there. We live forever in the Mystery. Which is The Love/Life/Consciousness we can come to know, through direct, self soul-led spiritual inquiry. This is empowering, and very different to the disempowering condition of being subject to an imposed system we don’t understand. Users of an interface. But until we understand a little about life, the two are equated and seen as pretty much the same, which is the danger. Which is how this horror show can be enacted. And which is why human consciousness has been whittled down progressively into a miniscule and disconnected version of itself.

You need be nothing less than you are. But you need to know who you are. This is the crux. All hinges on this. The way the world turns revolves around our understanding of the nature of the life that is turning. The nature of our own life.

Don’t adopt the shit easily. And don’t succumb to the constriction that will ensue if you do. The constriction that you will be claimed by… if you are blind to it, gullible and easy fodder for marketing adepts (whether business, religious, ideological…).

Don’t adopt this shit in ignorance. And wilfully, why would you? In full knowledge of yourself and this movement apart from you, you wouldn’t.

You must know the elevation of your life- the Beauty of Your Consciousness- The Oneness of Life Essence- so it is not given over to what is much less. You Are the Whole of Life. Realise This! Accept it. No less.

Find your own grounding. Not that which is provided you. Live in the full awareness of the Spirit of the Sky… not lost in someone else’s ‘cloud’- which will no doubt prove itself to be grey.

Be wary of outer revolution. Often, the impulses are genuine, but the movement is manipulated to serve other masters. Be led by the inner. Informed, and unconditioned. Shining.

Know that you’re not controlled by the imposter forces and structures that seek to contain you. That tell you they are ‘life’- but are nothing of it.

The matrix beckons. But the Spirit Awakes.

And you have to be awake to see this shit. To begin to extricate yourself from it (or at least not involve yourself more than you have to).

Maybe this is the final push towards awakening. Maybe all this is ultimately working in humanity’s favour. But only as an experiential platform through which we can assert what we are, and not get lost into what we are not. Limited versions of ourselves, accountable to someone else’s system.

Know yourself beyond the regime. Know yourself beyond your ego. It’s your only hope. Because everything else is boxed and owned.

What has been being built is coming to Earth in a big way.

Remember: the control system’s boundaries are not your own. And your spiritual and psychological sovereignty is paramount.

Their parameters are not yours; your parameters are not theirs. But we will see how we have given away so much… and they have amassed so much data. So much of us in representational form as to pretty much even fool ourselves into thinking ‘hey, that’s me!’ if we were presented with it.

And just because you have found a kind of freedom, don’t think that you are free. For that is not the case until you truly know and live the awesome Power of That Which You (Already) Are.

Major change is afoot. That is the point of this article. It has been afoot for a long long time. But it is coming into culmination, and we need to be awake to it to see, not floating off in the mainstream version of events which are largely just imaginal constructs keeping you away from yourself, somewhat pleasantly disconnected from truth, towards your own demise, in connection to such anti-truth that it can aptly be called death. For this is nothing of the Life Force, and everything about its subjugation, restriction, and harvest.

Yes, major change is afoot, and we need to get real to it. Opening our eyes to see it (this happens as we are ready…) and making practical choices in accordance with what we see. We can do this by making small choices- not using technology where we don’t need to. Creating the habit of (inter-)independence and not reliance. Which will inevitably contribute to bigger, wider Freedom, as we reawaken dormant capacities within us. We understand, in the process, how we’ve been ensnared up to this point. Because we understand that our nature is not to be ensnared in false traps. In this understanding of Truth, Here, you are Free.

Freedom must be yours, primarily. All of ours. And freedom must be our priority, if we are to survive and thrive.